Sunday, March 8, 2020

Free Essays on No Power

â€Å"No Power!† was the cry which sounded throughout the house on an early February morning. The night before freezing rain had continuously cascaded down the rooftops, freezing everything in its path. The power outages began early that next morning and reached the house shortly after the cock crowed. At first, the family saw nothing but the disadvantages and the inconveniences which would be caused by the loss of electricity, but after a few hours they began to see some of the benefits. It was still fairly early in the morning when the family discovered the lack of power. There was repeated fumbling with light switches and other electrical devices which had become a part of their everyday lives. The provider of the family was still forced to brave the treacherous roads that morning and left the three remaining members of the family to fend for themselves at home. Together these three began to list everything that they were now unable to do. They could not watch television, play on the computer, play video games, dry their hair, use the stove, bake in the oven, turn on the dishwasher, wash clothes, or even open the refrigerator for fear that the cold air would escape and doom their food to rancidness. The three even made a decision that every time someone tried to turn on a light, they must yell out â€Å"Damn it!† Throughout the day the majority of the light switches in this family’s house were condemned to hell. Although, this did help to lighten the ir mood, it did not change the fact that they were unable to do what they wanted to do the most. After some time, when reading became too boring and pacing became too tiring, the three family members decided that they must do something lest they go insane from boredom. The youngest of the three volunteered to run and fetch the Monopoly board and was immediately answered with groans of disdain. She replied with, â€Å"Well, what else are we going to do?† Although she was indeed young,... Free Essays on No Power Free Essays on No Power â€Å"No Power!† was the cry which sounded throughout the house on an early February morning. The night before freezing rain had continuously cascaded down the rooftops, freezing everything in its path. The power outages began early that next morning and reached the house shortly after the cock crowed. At first, the family saw nothing but the disadvantages and the inconveniences which would be caused by the loss of electricity, but after a few hours they began to see some of the benefits. It was still fairly early in the morning when the family discovered the lack of power. There was repeated fumbling with light switches and other electrical devices which had become a part of their everyday lives. The provider of the family was still forced to brave the treacherous roads that morning and left the three remaining members of the family to fend for themselves at home. Together these three began to list everything that they were now unable to do. They could not watch television, play on the computer, play video games, dry their hair, use the stove, bake in the oven, turn on the dishwasher, wash clothes, or even open the refrigerator for fear that the cold air would escape and doom their food to rancidness. The three even made a decision that every time someone tried to turn on a light, they must yell out â€Å"Damn it!† Throughout the day the majority of the light switches in this family’s house were condemned to hell. Although, this did help to lighten the ir mood, it did not change the fact that they were unable to do what they wanted to do the most. After some time, when reading became too boring and pacing became too tiring, the three family members decided that they must do something lest they go insane from boredom. The youngest of the three volunteered to run and fetch the Monopoly board and was immediately answered with groans of disdain. She replied with, â€Å"Well, what else are we going to do?† Although she was indeed young,...

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