Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Gender, Racism And Class - 1083 Words

Gender, Racism and Class in the movie â€Å"Bread and Ross† and â€Å"Hammering it out† Fundamentally, gender, racism and class are three controversial social issues that have for a long period triggered heated debate in the American society. In essence, this issues concern the daily lives of American citizen and immigrants disregarding their class, social status, educational level or the position they hold in the society. Therefore, it is imperative that these issues are analyzed comprehensively in order to take an informed stand about the impact they have to the society. This paper, seeks to critically examine how gender, racism and class are addressed in the two movies â€Å"Bread and Roses â€Å"and †Hammering it†. Discussion According to (Bread and Roses) gender is described as condition of being either male or female. In the movie â€Å"Bread and Roses† gender as a social issue is dominant in different scenarios. Profoundly, women dignity in the movie has been degraded by men who in various scenes have used them as sexual objects to fulfill their sexual desires. For instance, the Mexican taxi driver to sorts sexual favors from Maya in order to illegally sneak her to the United States from Mexico. While in the bar at the Mexican and American border, Maya is sexually molested by the taxi driver. Further, this immoral behavior in the society is perpetrated by Perez-a supervisor in Clean Angels Company, who seeks to have sex with Rosa in order to offer a job to her sister Maya in the AngelShow MoreRelatedRacism, Class, And Gender Discrimination1316 Words   |  6 Pagesunfortunately still prevalent in today’s modern society. Racism has come a far way due to many social movements, however it still remains ingrained and institutionalized in various forms. Race is a cause of political and economic interest who stratified groups in order to gain more power. 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