Friday, February 21, 2020

Critically evaluate the effects of resistance training and Essay

Critically evaluate the effects of resistance training and cardiovascular training on osteoporosis - Essay Example Engelke, K., Kemmler, W., Lauber, D., Beeskow, C., Pintag, R., & Kalendar, W. A. (2006). Exercise maintains bone density at spine and hip EFOPS: a 3-year longitudinal study in early postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis international, 17 (1), 133-142. (Primary Source – From MedLine/MedScape Database) Iwamoto, J., Takeda, T., & Ichimura, S. (2001). Effect of exercise training and detraining on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Journal of orthopaedic science, 6 (2), 128-132. (Primary Source – From MedLine/MedScape Database) Layne, J. E., & Nelson, M. E. (1999). The effects of progressive resistance training on bone density: a review. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 31 (1), 25-30. (Secondary Source - From MedLine/MedScape Database). Lin, J. T., & Lane, J. M. (2008). Nonpharmacologic Management of Osteoporosis to Minimize Fracture Risk. Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology, 4 (1), 20-25. (Secondary Source - From MedLine/MedScape Database). Notomi, T., Okazaki, Y., Okimoto, N., Saitoh, S., Nakamura, T., & Suzuki, M. (2000). A comparison of resistance and aerobic training for mass, strength and turnover of bone in growing rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 83 (6), 469-474. (Primary Source – From MedLine/MedScape Database) Ringe, J. (2000). Osteoporosis in Men. In David Hosking and Johann Ringe (Eds.), TREATMENT OF METABOLIC BONE DISEASE: MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND DRUG THERAPY (pp. 203-218). London: Martin Dunitz Ltd. (Secondary Source – From Local British Council Library) Ravn, P. (2000). Osteoporosis: Primary Prevention. In David Hosking and Johann Ringe (Eds.), TREATMENT OF METABOLIC BONE DISEASE: MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND DRUG THERAPY (pp. 123-142). London: Martin Dunitz Ltd. (Secondary Source – From Local British Council Library) The search for suitable literature consisted of going through the journals available at the local British Council Library. None were found. The next was

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Self Interest Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self Interest - Coursework Example Ethics is a moral conduct that is good, fair, just, and admirable in the society. It brings out a clean air of behaviour and aims at showing ones dignity while interacting with fellow human beings. Morality always triumphs over selfishness, without morality social life would be nearly impossible. Naturally, people would be brutal, unjust, and selfish. Religion contributes to morality, because about 60% of individuals believe in a certain religion (MacKinnon and Fiala, 2015). Theologically, people care of what will happen in their afterlife. For many religions, an afterlife involves a person been rewarded or punished for what they have done. â€Å"Do to others what you would have them do to unto you† is a golden rule with a religious birth, which has been cemented in most people’s minds since childhood. Religion exists as a factor of unity in the society. Confucius in the ancient china was vocal in establishing a â€Å"gentleman’s code† to avoid social diso rder in China. The comfort or wrath of after life is based on the moral conduct of people’s behaviour while on earth. This regulates the conduct of people and motivates them to help others. Arguably, it is much better for people to follow rules. In the state of nature, according to social contract theory by Hobbes, it was brutal, lawless, unjust and short. The absence of rules was the cause. Inherently, man desires law and security. The need for self-preservation and protection of property prompts man to surrender their rights voluntarily.